30 Top Earning Websites That Make Alot Of Money Online

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With well over a billion websites online, you can rest assured there is a lot of variety out there. In fact, many types of websites can actually just be created using a template because they are so well defined in 2020.

However, one thing that is very clear is that not all websites have the same earning power. If your goal is to make money by running a website, you can significantly increase your chances by picking a popular website type.

For example, would you expect an eCommerce website to earn the same amount of money as a traditional blog?

While both have strong earning power, you are much more likely to earn money from an eCommerce website. Especially when you consider it could take over a year to grow your blog’s audience high enough to break a profit.

Thus, creating the right type of website is crucial to success.

How to Decide?

Picking what type of website to build is no easy task and odds are, you may pick wrong the first time. However, don’t get discouraged. It is extremely rare to build a successful website on your first try.

Of course, that raises the question of, “how do I not make the wrong choice?”

While this may seem like a cop-out answer, there really isn’t any trick to it. In reality, you can only reduce the risk by doing research and understanding the basics of web design.

You need to pick a website that you can actually create content for or have the necessary resources to sustain.

For example, let’s say you wanna start an online retail store. That’s great, but do you have the capital to purchase what you are selling? Can you sustain multiple months of low traffic?

If the answer was no to either question, you probably shouldn’t start that website or you need to make changes to the model. For instance, instead of purchasing multiple products, focus on a few and buy a limited quantity.

This might even help you strengthen your business since this is one of the basic principles of FOMO marketing.

15 Types of Websites That Make Money

It is important to remember that no matter what, results will vary. Just because something is likely to be more successful or generate more income does not mean that it will.

Experience, creativity, and resource management play big roles in any successful business.

Here is a list of websites that have the best chances of making money.

Note: These do not appear in any particular order.

1. Blogging

Without a doubt, starting a blog is one of the most popular business ventures out there, for two simple reasons.

      1. Anyone can be a blogger.
      2. You can blog about anything.

And it should not come as a surprise that blogs are one of the most common types of websites available. With the popularity and widespread use of the WordPress platform, most webhosting companies offer free 1 click installations of WordPress to help you get started.

While it is true that it takes time to build an audience, once you have one, you are set. You can monetize a blog in a variety of ways to maximize your revenue, and it can grow very quickly depending on how much content you can pump out.

The good news is it is easy to come up with blog content since it is personal.

Just make sure that you are releasing quality SEO-friendly content that follows a schedule.

2. ECommerce

An eCommerce website is one in which visitors purchase products from. And of course, it can be extremely lucrative if handled correctly.

However, there are multiple ways to go about it.

For example, you can follow the traditional online retail store or dropshipping model. The main difference between the two is that you do not purchase your products before someone buys them as a dropshipper.

Thus, you will have lower initial costs. This makes it much easier to start than the traditional model. Not only will you not need to purchase the products, but you will also not need to store them.

3. Review Websites

People like to know what they are buying before they actually purchase it. Review sites give buyers that opportunity.

These are websites that allow visitors to log in and leave a review on a product, movie, restaurant, or just about anything. There is actually very little content that the website owner needs to create.

However, you might be wondering how exactly do these types of websites make money.

Let me assure you, if you can rank highly, review websites are extremely profitable thanks to affiliate links. Including an affiliate link next to a product with great reviews has a proven track record of success.

4. Entertainment/Media Website

Dropping huge headlines in entertainment and media can often bring in a lot of traffic. And where there is traffic, there is ad revenue.

People love keeping up with current events, entertainment, sports, and every other form of media out there. And that means there is something new every single day to cover, which means you will never run out of content ideas.

Which makes this one of the easiest types of websites to plan for.

While it is certainly a crowded market to enter, there is still plenty of room for new websites to join. The key is to differentiate yourself from the competition.

5. Small Business Website

If you have a physical location or offer a local service like lawn care, you should have a website to accompany it.

Obviously, this idea only applies to individuals with an actual small business to display. And it is often quite effective. Having an online presence is critical for shoppers to find your store in 2020.

The sheer potential of local SEO alone is enough to warrant building a website for a brick-and-mortar business.

Most individuals tend to use their phones to search for a store nearby. And not appearing in that search is a huge mistake. The website can help generate foot traffic, place orders in advance, and a host of other things that all generate income.

6. Online Portfolio

Are you a graphic designer, freelance writer, artist, or something similar? If so, you can improve your chances of finding work by creating your own online portfolio.

An online portfolio demonstrates your work to potential customers and always includes contact information. This can bring in a lot of business to increase your income.

Just remember, you are displaying this for potential customers, which means it needs to be professional and highlight your abilities.

7. Specialized Community Forums

Before the rise of social media platforms, forums were without a doubt the most popular way to communicate and interact with other people on the Internet.

Many have built strong communities by producing a forum specialized to a specific topic.

And they still have a place on the Internet today. Look no further than Reddit. It is the 7th most popular website in the United States and is entirely composed of forums.

30 Top Earning Websites That Make Alot Of Money Online

However, there is plenty of room for specialized forums on the Internet. In fact, many people would rather visit a forum dedicated to a specific topic than visit a large forum that covers everything, like Reddit.

8. Questions and Answers

One of the biggest uses of the Internet since its inception is to find the answer to a question. And that is still true to this very day.

In fact, finding answers is more popular than ever thanks to the rise of smartphones. It’s never been easier to do.

Quora and Yahoo Answers are perfect examples of larger websites that use this model. They allow visitors to ask a question and also allow visitors to leave answers.

It creates an interactive community the offers a great deal of help to virtually anyone.

9. Video Website

Without a doubt, video content is becoming increasingly important, and that is in no small part thanks to mobile users.

You may be thinking that all of your video content is stored on another platform like YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, etc. that there is no need to have your own website.

That couldn’t be further from the truth.

Having your own website allows you to offer visitors the chance to view content before it goes live on other platforms, sell merchandise, and display other important information.

The more popular you are on another platform, the more popular your website will be.

10. Create a Wiki

Wikipedia has changed the way most people research a topic. It is a collection of detailed information that a community can alter and keep up to date.

However, anyone can create their very own wiki…and plenty of people have done so.

For example, if you look up your favorite gaming franchise, I am positive you will find a dedicated wiki community that has compiled all of the information related to that franchise.

On top of this, most have forums and chats that allow visitors to chat with each other, which helps build a strong community. Wikis have become one of the most popular types of websites.

11. Job Boards

While most people believe the internet makes it easy to find everything, skilled or niche labor is still a challenge to find in some areas.

Job boards allow employers to post a job and for freelance workers to apply.

For example, finding a math tutor, gardener, home improvement, in the local area can be very difficult for some. A job board fixes this issue entirely and can help people find exactly what they are looking for.

30 Top Earning Websites That Make Alot Of Money Onlineey Online As A Teen

And of course, as the middle man, you will be able to charge a small fee for access to the service. You may even bring in a few bucks through ad systems or selling banner space on the site.

12. Podcast Website

30 Top Earning Websites That Make Alot Of Money Onlineey Online Fast

Podcasts are extremely popular, and the best part is they are easy to make.

Just like blogs, anyone can be a podcaster and the podcast can be about anything. In fact, most bloggers usually have their own podcast.

A podcast allows you to not only receive ad revenue from the website but also everywhere it is watched or listened to.

If you have a few friends, you can create your very own show every week.

13. Educational Websites

Believe it or not, there are plenty of websites that are dedicated to education and they make a killing doing it.

Offering detailed information on specific school topics like math and science is a great way to target students. You can make your content stand out with great video content that demonstrates how to solve a problem is just icing on the cake.

30 Top Earning Websites That Make Alot Of Money Online

However, it is important to remember that if you target a younger audience, make sure you are also advertising to their parents. After all, they are the ones who will be paying.

14. Coupon Website

Let’s be honest, people do not want to pay full price and will often spend hours clipping coupons or looking for discount codes online.

You can create an entire website dedicated to helping visitors find the best deals available. This creates a lot of great opportunities to add affiliate links to the website and really maximize your profits.

30 Top Earning Websites That Make Alot Of Money Onlineey Online Gta V

Of course, this is no easy task. You will have to keep your website up to date with daily deals and offerings. Allowing visitors to rate and comment on a coupon is a great way to know if it is working correctly.

15. Auction House

When I think of auctions, I think of an opportunity to get an item cheaper than retail.


And I also think of eBay.

Believe it or not, eBay is not the only auction website out there, and there is plenty of room for new ones. What makes these types of websites so profitable is that you do not actually have to buy a product to sell.

Instead, you are just providing a platform for sellers to list items and customers to buy from. As the middle man, it’s your job to ensure that the website is functioning correctly and collect the auction fees from sellers.

Experimentation is Key

In most cases, you will need to mix and match website ideas to find what works best for you. Which means that experimenting is really important.

Beginners are often afraid to change something from a template, but I assure you that it is exactly what you should be doing. The last thing you want to be is a carbon copy of a larger website.

30 Top Earning Websites That Make Alot Of Money Onlineey Online

If there are other types of websites you recommend trying, let us know in the comments section.

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