Website To Teach Math And Earn Money Online In Usa

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Yup is an on-demand math tutoring app. Whenever students need help with math, they can take a picture of a problem and connect to an expert tutor for 1:1 support. All Yup tutoring sessions take place on the student’s phone. Yup tutors work from their desktop via our web platform.

If you’re here, it’s likely, you were either impacted at some point by restraints teaching mostly offline, or you want to get started as a teacher with internet teaching capabilities. In this article, I’ll be sharing with you how to teach mathematics online. We’ll discuss 11 ways you can engage with students online, and regardless of whether you’re starting you’re own business, hoping to do this as a side gig, or you’re employed for someone else, these options can work.


Why Teach Math Online?

Most people have always known there were benefits to the internet, but recently, with lock-downs all over the world, people are seeing the internet in a different light.

COVID-19 changed the way people interact and communicate, and a lot of that will be changed for good. Some career fields (like education) who didn’t have enough of an “online way” of doing things were devastated. The education experience for many students and their families had a decline in quality because a lot of places weren’t equipped to support families with distance learning.

Parents, teachers, and students were forced to find new ways to learn using the internet, and the demand for learning subjects like math online skyrocketed. Now that the benefits of online education are more obvious, more people are looking for ways to diversify the education experience (even if it’s for “just in case” situations).

If you’re knowledgeable about math topics and you want to help support the global demand for explanations on math topics online, I’m hoping this article gives you lots of great tips for how to implement that.

My Story

I’ve been running an online business for a little over two years. I meet my customers predominantly online. I don’t have a storefront or rent meeting halls. I don’t cold call, go door-to-door, or do things like tradeshows. My business operates mostly on the internet.

Instead of the “traditional” ways of marketing a business, I post articles, videos, and other content similar to what you’re reading now, and I offer online education that helps people to start and grow businesses. I’ve had to learn how to use technology to create engaging educational experiences online.

I’ve also learned how to use technology to meet 1000’s of new people every month online. In fact, at the time of this writing, How to Entrepreneur attracts approximately 30,000 new people monthly to this website, and more than that when you include platforms like Youtube–where people watch videos, but don’t necessarily visit

My experience with growing an audience and offering online education is what I’ll be using to offer ideas for how you can be successful teaching math online.

12 Ways to Teach Math Online

These are 11 ways I’ve personally been able to engage with students and teach online, and I know these options will work very well for teaching math.

1. Start a Blog

People are constantly online looking for things like “how to do long division” or “how to convert fractions to decimals”. In fact, when I use Google Trends, you can see there is a consistent demand for topics like that all year around. Take a look…

Of course, there’s a little drop in interest over the summer and during the winter holidays, but there’s still a demand year around.

You can start a blog that responds to queries people input into Google, Youtube, Bing, and other places by starting a blog. There are literally billions of queries daily, and a large portion of those are questions about math.

There aren’t nearly enough math blogs to support the demand for math advice online. Starting a math blog could be very helpful to help advise the people who need help online. If you want to try it out, you can create a blog for free and get free training on how to set things up…

2. Record Videos

I’m sure you know that some of your students may prefer learning thru reading, some will prefer to learn by watching and listening, and some may prefer to learn by doing. If you record videos, you’ll be able to cater to those students who would do better watching or listening.

They can play your videos, see how you solve problems, and you can even give them prompts to make sure they’re comprehending. Platforms like Youtube are free to use. You can create a Youtube channel, post videos there, and help people get better with math.

Recommended Resources:

  • Introduction to Youtube Marketing (available at Wealthy Affiliate)
  • Ultimate Marketing with Video and Audio (available at Wealthy Affiliate)

3. Host Webinars

Webinars can be a great way to have a math class, virtual meeting, or a group discussion about math. You can present information and have participants submit questions. You can have more than one presenter, and send replays when the event is done.

There are so many uses for webinars.


Unfortunately, most schools aren’t using them. Instead, they’re relying on things like discussion boards, forums, or simply uploading video which doesn’t emulate the real-time discussion and Q&A sessions you can have live. A webinar will be a very close comparison to the traditional classroom setting because you’ll be able to offer live engagement.

Recommended Resource:

4. Live Stream

Many of your students are likely to have a Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube account. Offering live streaming on a social platform could be a very convenient way to teach math online. You can use the camera that’s built into your laptop or your phone if you don’t want to invest in video equipment.

Platforms like Facebook , Youtube, and Instagram will introduce your live event to people who might be interested in your topic if you post it as a public event–this means you can teach thru live stream as a way to discover new potential students.

For students who may not be online, you’d simply have to let them know what time to show up for your live stream, and you can present math materials online. If you want the event to be private, you have to make sure to unlist the event, so it’s not publicly streamed, but offering live stream events could be a great way to engage with a public or private audience.

5. Live Virtual Meetings and Tutoring

Similar to a webinar, you can host virtual meetings and tutoring online–this can be beneficial if you have students who may need more attention or if you want to meet privately with parents. You can hold virtual meetings that can be 1-on-1, or you can invite more people. Zoom, Google Meet, or the Podia/Zoom Integration can be great ways to offer online meetings.

6. Create Online Courses

Math is one of those subjects that has lots of complexity and requires several focused sessions to comprehend. The traditional classroom requires teachers to be present, and most times, you teach standing in front of a classroom.

With online courses, you can have lots of the same capabilities as offline. You can see completion percentage, add quizzes, automate grading, include positive reinforcement and rewards, have a nice layout, and even include engagement features like live chat, classroom discussion, and private coaching.

If you have a WordPress website, you may prefer creating courses on your WordPress website using a plugin like LifterLMS. There are lots of engagement features with LifterLMS that make the education experience online really awesome.

If you’re not overly concerned about being on WordPress, you might prefer Podia because it’s an all-in-one solution for webinars, meetings, memberships, online courses and more.

Recommended Resources:

7. Make eBooks

If you want something that’s downloadable, that can be read in many different device types, and can be studied with an internet connection or not, then making an eBook could be a great way to teach math online. You can incorporate eBooks as one content type, for specific types of instruction, or eBooks could be your main focus–it’s up to you.

Recommended Resources:

8. Make PDFs and Downloadable Resources

In math, there are lots of formulas, equations, and worksheets that are typically used to help further the comprehension of students. You can make your own PDFs and Downloadable Resources using Google Docs, Microsoft Word, Google Slides, Powerpoint, or Canva. You can also hire people on sites like Fiverr who can design worksheets for you.

Once you have your worksheet, you can upload it and enable people to download it with a link, but sometimes, this leads to plagiarism and people not giving credit where they should. Sometimes, it’s a better idea to upload your intellectual property to a software where you can track the email addresses of who’s downloaded it, and even sell it if you want to–this is another instance where Podia would be very useful.

9. Send Emails

Stats show there are 4.03 billion email users, and it’s likely, some of your students may be avid email users. You can use email to send out math tips, to remind students of assignments, to encourage, to motivate, to sell products and services, or to communicate in other ways.

With a personal email account, you’re limited in how many people you can email at once (without it being extremely tedious), and you won’t have analytics that illustrate for you whether people are opening your emails, who didn’t open your email, and which emails are most helpful.

If you want lots of capabilities like the ability to segment your email lists based on interactive responses, analytics, statistics on open rate, and data on who clicked in the email, then you want to get a formal email marketing service.

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An email marketing service can help you to segment your classes by things like class period, class type, responsiveness vs. non-responsive, and whatever other segments or “tags” you want. With a segmented email list, you’ll be able to send tailored messages without copy/pasting email addresses every time!

10. Host a Membership Site, Forum, or Networking Community

While it’s nice to have an instructor, being able to socialize with peers is in integral part of learning math. I remember learning tough math topics, and sometimes, my instructor would try their best to explain, but it wasn’t until a peer made things look simple that I was able to understand. In some cases, you can be the best instructor, but unless there is networking and reinforcement from peers, the topic won’t be comprehended as well.

If you offer something like a membership site, forum, or other place where students can engage with one another, it could help fill social gaps students might have, and it can help reinforce concepts that were explained during formal instruction.

11. Post on Social Media

Like cleaning your room, washing dishes, or combing your hair, math is a must. It’s not optional, and people of all ages need reminders and refreshers on math. You can stay top-of-mind when you use several methods of communication, and social media is a very effective one.

As of this writing, Internet Live Stats reports 4.5 billion internet users, 2.4 billion Facebook users, and 360.1 million Twitter users, and 268 million Pinterest users. Your students are likely using social media to some capacity, and you can use it to remind them of the importance of math.

12. Partner with a Brand

Brands like ABC Mouse, Lessonplanet, and Hand2Mind offer great materials to help students learn. Capabilities you may not have, they may have, so you can refer students to them for complimentary material or tools, and you can even be paid commissions for referrals!


Teaching math online is such a helpful thing to do. I hope this article demonstrated for you the demand, and gave you good insight on how to teach math online. Don’t hesitate if this is what you want to do.

If you have any questions about this, leave them in the comments section below. To get started teaching math online, I recommend you build your audience around a blog, and you can learn step-by-step how to start a math blog here.

Step One: Build an Audience

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If you don't currently have an audience waiting to hear your advice about math, you'd need to start here. Learn how you can start growing a social following, growing an email list, growing a Youtube channel, and helping more people online.
With today's climate, you can build an audience and make a full-time income teaching math online (even without a job!).

Website To Teach Math And Earn Money Online In Usa Near Me

Step Two: Deliver Education

Website To Teach Math And Earn Money Online In Usa Without

If you already have an audience and you want to offer courses, PDFs, events, memberships, and other things (paid or free), then it's best to have a platform that enables you to create and distribute these things in an automated way.
If you want to enable your students to stop by and check out your materials when they want, and offer them paid or free, then check out Podia -- an all-in-one software for online education.

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