How To Earn Money Online In Nepal Without Investment

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To earn money online in Nepal. You can join the below captcha typing jobs sites. There are 4 genuine captcha typing sites. First is 2Captcha. Best three genuine methods to Make Or Earn Money Online In Nepal Without Investment are listed below: Make Money From Blogging In Nepal Earn Money From Youtube In Nepal Earn Money From Facebook In Nepal. Earn money in Nepal online 🇳🇵 Earn esewa money in Nepal Ho saati haru video skrip nagare harnu hola ani like subscribe garna na bholnu hola Earn money.

How to earn money online in Nepal – if you are searching for the ways to earn money online in Nepal then you are at the right place. In this post I am going to share with you about the top 10 best and easy ways to earn money online in Nepal without investment.

If you have less time to read this complete article then you can check out these following ways to earn money online in Nepal. Don’t worry we covered only following ways in this article.

  1. Start A Website Or Blog
  2. Create A YouTube Channel
  3. Become A Freelancer
  4. Grow Your Facebook Page
  5. Earn Money From Short Links
  6. Sell your photos online
  7. Affiliate Marketing
  8. Sell Your old products online
  9. Take participate on online surveys
  10. Develop A android app or game

If you want to know more about these ways then read this complete article. So, Let’s Start

We listed and explained top 10 ways to earn money online in Nepal as follows :

1. Earn money from Website

This is a very easy and simple way to earn money online in Nepal. If you want to make a website you need a domain name and hosting. You can purchase them from many platforms such as GoDaddy, hostinger etc. Otherwise you can use blogger or free domain and hosting. It is a free and simple platform to create a blog or website by google. The simple and easy way to earn money online from blog or website is AdSense. You can get AdSense approval and use it on your website. AdSense will show ads on your website and give some commission from the ads. Otherwise, you can use other advertisement companies such as etc.

2. Earn Money from Youtube

We all know that YouTube is the biggest platform in the world. Daily millions of people watch videos in YouTube world wide.
So there is an opportunity to earn money online. You can upload videos on YouTube according to your hobby. You need 1k subscribers and 4k hours watch time on your channel to earn money. When you get this you can apply for the monetization to the AdSense. Then the team of AdSense will analyze your videos in your YouTube channel and give AdSense approval. Than AdSense will show ads in your YouTube videos and give some commission from the ads. Then you can make money with YouTube.

3. Earn Money from freelancing

Another way to earn money online is freelancer. You can earn moneyonline according to your skills as a freelancer. You can create an account on Fiverr and other platforms to start freelancing. You can give your bio on these platforms. People will contact you after seen your bio. Then they will give some works for you. When you fulfill their needs they will pay money to you.

4. Earn Money from Affiliate Marketing

There are two types of marketing. The first is digital marketing and the second one is physical marketing. In physical marketing people directly go to the market and sell their products but in digital marketing people sell their products from the internet without going to market. Digital marketing is also known as affiliate marketing. We saw that there are many marketers in physical marketing the same as in digital or affiliate marketing you can become a marketer. There are a lot of big companies like Amazon etc are started affiliate program. You can join their affiliate program easily. When you sell their products from your affiliate link, they will pay some commission of products for you. You can easily get this money from PayPal etc. I think this is one of the best way to earn money online in Nepal without investment.

Also Read: How to make money on youtube

5. Earn Money from Short Links

Another easy and fastest way to earn money online in Nepal without investment is short Links. there are a lot of platforms which provide you short links. When your short link clicked by people, people will see advertisement in that link. Then short links provider platform will pay some money for you. You can share your short link everywhere on the internet. You can get your revenue easily from your short link provider platform.

6. Earn money from Facebook

Facebook is the biggest social media platform like YouTube. You can earn a lot of money online from Facebook same as YouTube. In YouTube you can upload videos but in facebook you can upload posts. In YouTube you can create a YouTube channel but on facebook, you can create a Facebook page. You can earn money online from the facebook page. There is no criteria to earn money on Facebook. In YouTube AdSense show ads but on Facebook there is no advertisement company. When you have a greate audience on Facebook then people will contact you for sponsorship. You can earn money online from Facebook via publishing sponsorship posts. I think it is one of the best and easy way to earn money online because there are up to 2 billion active people on Facebook.

7. Earn Money from selling your photos online

I think It is a more complicated way than other ways because all of you are not expert in photography. In other ways to earn money online, you shouldn’t be an expert but in this way you should be an expert because if you are not an expert in photography then people will not purchase your photos. There are a lot of platforms to sell your photos online. You can earn a lot of money by selling your beautiful photos online. If you have beautiful photos then you can earn more money at one time as compared to other ways. If you love photography then you can use this way to earn money online.

Also Read: Perfect Smartphone Buying Guide For Beginners In Nepal

8. Take participate on online surveys

Generally two types of surveys. One is physical surveys and the second one is digital/online surveys. In physical surveys people go to the market and take their surveys physically but in online surveys take their surveys online. From the surveys they know that what they are doing wrong. So the company pays for their surveys online. I think there is a chance to earn money online for you. You can take online surveys from different platforms such as Swagbucks etc. After taking surveys they will pay some money for you. You can earn a lot of money online from taking online surveys.

9. Earn Money from selling your old products

I think all of you have any old products or generally we say second-hand products. Generally you sell your old products to recycle companies to recycle and they pay some money for you. Same as you can sell your products online and earn money online. There are a lot of platforms to sell old products.

10. Earn money from apps

All of you used a lot of apps daily in mobile and install many apps from the play store. When you using those apps in your mobile, you see a lot of ads in apps. Advertisement companies such as Admob etc pays money to app developers when they show their ads in apps. So there is an opportunity to earn money online from android apps. You can earn more money from apps as compared to the website. You can easily put ads in your apps. There are two ways to develop or make an android app. The first one is coding and the second one in without coding. You can develop an app from coding with the help of different programming languages such as java, python, etc. If you don’t know about coding then you can easily create an Android app from different platforms such as appy pie etc. But in without coding app you will get limited edit option for app. You can earn money from any ways.

Bonus Query

How to earn money from facebook in Nepal

Here are the some tips to earn money from Facebook in Nepal. They are as follows :

  1. Sponsorship
  2. Affiliate Marketing
  3. Earn Money From Gadget Or Product Reviews
  4. Short Links

Questions About This Posts :

How much can you earn money online in Nepal without investment from the above ways?

It is not fixed how much can you earn money online. It depends on you. If you do hard work, then you can earn a lot of money Online.

Can I earn a lot of money online in one day from the above ways?

No, you can not earn a lot of money online in one day. It takes minimum 15 days if you are a beginner.

Are there any risks in the above ways?

There are no risks in the above ways but if you can not earn money online then your a lot of time will be lost.

How To Earn Money Online In Nepal Without Investment Online

Can I earn money online from the above ways as a student?

Yes, you can earn money online from these above ways as a student but I not recommend you to try these ways if you are a student because it takes a lot of time and affect your education but you can try these ways as a part-time.


If you are from foreign countries like USA etc than you can earn more money online as compared to Nepal because in foreign countries advertisers pays more money than Nepal. You can earn money online from this above ways but not in one day. It takes minimum 15 days, if you are a beginner. If you are a student I do not recommend you try all of this ways to earn money online because it affects your education and takes a lot of time but you can try some ways to earn money online as a part-time. Please work honestly with these ways. All the above ways are real. You can really make a lot of money online from the above ways.

What do you think what is the best way to earn money online in Nepal without investment? Comment us below.

If you like this post please share it in your social media. Also, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook. Like our Facebook page from here.If you want to contact me send your mail or message me on Facebook page.

Each and every online jobs provider asking money for getting online jobs in India. So Is that the end of getting Online Jobs without investment?

No! It’s not!

In this Article, I will share your Top 17+ Online jobs that can do without any investment or registration free in India. And again, it’s not only free but also offer daily work daily bank payment!

Interested! Let’s get started?

Why Most of the Online Jobs asking to Paid Registration fees?

No doubt they are a scam, As per Statistic, almost 99.99% Paid Registration Online Jobs job to provide is a scam. In other words, they are actually earning money not you.

How To Earn Money Online In Nepal Without Investment

17+ Online Jobs without investment:

Online Typing Jobs

Online Typing jobs are one of the easiest free online jobs in India. A person with simple typing can earn up to 25K in typing jobs. You will be provided a simple scanned copy of books and you have typed them into the notepad files. That’s work! You can work from your home or office and while projects are done, you will get paid to your bank account.

Before you get started you should know There is a dozen of fake typing job company daily scamming people. The only way to check out the real story is to review the plan and pricing. If you can see any upfront amount then run away, It’s a Scam.

Below there is a Recommended Company offer Online Typing Jobs without investment.

Recommended Company:

Company Name: CYBER EXPO

Registration fees: 0/- INR

Validity: 36 Month

Payment Mood: Daily/Weekly

Monthly Earning: up to 25K

Recommended Read: Free Offline Data Entry Jobs From Home- 100% Genuine Projects in India

Ad Posting Online Jobs without investment

Ad posting job is one of the most discussed online jobs that you can start in India without any registration fees. It’s a simple classified advertisement job. You will be proved classified sites list time to time, Ads matter (Content advertisement)

Now you have to post those add into deferent classified sites list. Whenever you post a single add you will pay up to Rs-10.00 INR per posting.

The best two part of doing ad posting jobs is, One you can use automatic ad posting software and any type of ad posting tools without getting suspended. Second, it’s not going to make bored doing the same task again and again as like typing jobs.

Below there is a Recommended Company offer Online ad posting Jobs from home without investment.

Also Read: GOV. Online Typing Jobs without Investment DAILY BANK PAYMENT

Company Name: CYBER EXPO

Registration fees: 0/- INR

Validity: 36 Month

Payment Mood: Daily/Weekly

Monthly Earning: up to 20K

Online Data Entry Jobs

Don’t make the word “Online Data Entry Jobs” scare you, We know that at the present time almost 99.9% Online Data Entry Jobs is scammed. Here and there many people get trapped in their scam in India. But there are a few companies still present where you get Genuine online data entry jobs without registration fee, All Money Tips and CYBER EXPO is one of our best recommended Data Entry Jobs for daily payment entry-level work.

For make sure you are not going to join any scam data entry jobs, instantly you can check the list of scam data entry jobs over here.

Company Name: CYBER EXPO

Registration fees: 0/- INR

Validity: 36 Month

Payment Mood: Daily/Weekly

Monthly Earning: up to 20K

4. Google Online Jobs without investment:

It’s must be remembered that Google Online Jobs is chosen by 2 Million people so far all over the worlds. Here Google online jobs mean Google Adsense. If you have a blog, website, Android apps or YouTube channel with a decent amount of traffic, you can monetize it with Google Adsense.

Though there is a number of Google Adsense alternatives like Amazon Display ads or for making money from your blog, believe me, they all suck.

A. YouTube:

if you have a YouTube channel with 3000-5000 minutes view monthly, then you are able to earn $150-$300 in a month. This is around 10K-20K. By all means, it’s a free online job that you can work as a part-time job.

You are wrong if you think this will take a lot of time from a day, honestly, I am able to achieve the same view on my channel by only spending 10 hours in a month. (Saturday & Sunday 5 hours each day)

B. Blog/website:

Another way that can make you earned from Google online jobs is starting a blog or a website. You can monetize your blog using Google Adsense in various ads like auto ads, native ads, link ads, contextual ads etc.


On the positives side, you can work on these online jobs from home without investment. Its a best earn money program ever found on the internet.

Surprisingly, you can expect up to $300-$500 from a blog with 3K-5K daily page view, its look like a little bit difficult to active but not impossible.

By the same token, its take me 1 years of the first blog to hit 4K page view daily. Again I want to mention that I spend only 5 hours of time weekly to post 1 article on my blog. Since I take the blog as part-time passion (Now I am a full-time blogger professional internet marketer)

C. Android App:

It’s very easy to get started! If you have any android apps with the 10K-100K user then you can monetize with Admobi with is power by Google AdSense. This the best jobs in India for the android apps developer.

5. Online Form Filling Jobs:

Online Form Filling jobs are one of the Genuine online jobs without registration fee in India. It’s very ideal for non-technical guys like a housewife and retired person. Also, it’s doing any form filling jobs do not require any good typing skills.

Now, on the negative side, there are so many scam websites in India where scam online jobs offered (See report on form filling jobs scam in India)

They asked to hug registration fees and scammed your hard earned money without paying any return payment.

So, here is Genuine and most trusted form filling jobs recommendation for you.

Company Name: CYBER EXPO

Registration fees: 0/- INR

Validity: 36 Month

Payment Mood: Daily/Weekly

Monthly Earning: up to 20K

Inspire From Your Search: Free Email Sending Jobs Without Investment

6. SMS Sending Jobs:

So-called Genuine SMS sending jobs without any registration fees! WTF? Yes, they do exist and make you paid for sending SMS. To point out, let me called this SMS marketing jobs. Here with your experience marketing knowledge, you can earn money doing work from a mobile phone. You supposed to promote MLM products and for an android user, new apps promotion will be applicable.

Here at CYBER EXPO we strongly recommend that you never join any online SMS Sending Jobs where you are being asked to pay any up font registration fees.

Our Recommendation –

Company Name: CYBER EXPO

Registration fees: 0/- INR

Validity: 36 Month

Payment Mood: Daily/Weekly

Monthly Earning: up to 20K

7. Blogging and Affiliate Marketing Jobs:

We have already mentioned that blogging is a great platform to use Google Adsense monetized. But to take this on the next level you can create a micro niche blog with affiliate marketing.

Yes, this time you will earn even more revenue than Google AdSense.

But there is a drawback to earn money from affiliate marketing.

First, There is big competition and second, you need to have some awesome content into a blog that ranked really well on Google search page.

8. Online Survey Jobs:

It’s called paid survey jobs, it’s a best home based online jobs without investment, Students, a housewife can earn up to $1.25-$3.50 by completing each survey jobs. We have separated article where you can Make $25 in Day from Online Survey Jobs in India Without any investment.

For getting paid form deferent survey websites you must have to create a PayPal or Payoneer account in India.

9. Copy Paste Online Jobs without investment:

The most simple and trusted jobs are online copy paste jobs without investment. You can sign up in CYBER EXPO where you can get Free Copy to paste jobs @ Rs-1 investment, It’s Free! CYBER EXPO is #1 Free Full-time Online Jobs provider where you will get Government approved copy paste jobs.

10. Amazon Online Work from Home Jobs:

There are several ways that could make you earn money from Amazon. Over CYBER EXPO you can earn with Amazon Mechanical Turk, Amazon work from home jobs, and none the less become a seller on Amazon.

Here is a complete guide on 5 Amazon Online Jobs For Students to Earn $100 A day(With Video)

11. Offline Typing Jobs:

People also Read: Legit Email Processing Jobs without Investment- Free Join

Before you get excited to know that you can make money doing simple typing jobs, it’s important to realize that there is 90% typing jobs are scammed. In fact, any online or offline typing asking registration fees are fake.

So, Join CYBER EXPO Genuine Offline Typing Jobs without investment and earn up to Rs-7 per text matter.

Also, at the present time, CYBER EXPO is #1 Online Data entry Jobs provider where you will be still paid if you make any spelling mistakes.

Interested? Read How to Make money doing simple typing jobs in India- No grammatical deductions.

11. Captcha Entry Jobs:

It’s also called captcha solving jobs. Here you will be provided random Captcha to solved just like another security challenge you solved on deferent websites.

This is a non-technical job where you can’t expect big earning. We recommended Captcha Entry Jobs on jobs for housewife list.

12. Freelance Jobs:

If you are web developer or coder then you have greater opportunity to make money online from deferent Freelance websites.

How To Earn Money Online In Nepal Without Investment Business,,, People per Hour, Upwork are the online, freelancer jobs websites in India without a registration fee.

How To Earn Money Online In Nepal Without Investment Now

Once you start the work, without delay you must create a PayPal or Payoneer account for getting paid.

13. Content Writing Jobs:

There is two websites from India offer excellent payment for freelance content writing jobs. CYBER EXPO and both are paying up to 1000.00 INR + on each quality article. Hence you can also get started with Upwork or

Even you can start paid guest posting service for the big media house.

Read More about:

  1. Online Micro Jobs
  2. Online Teaching Jobs
  3. Facebook Online Jobs


How To Earn Money Online In Nepal Without Investment

There are more than a hundred online jobs without in India offering Daily bank payment. Covering all of them in a single article will not possible. To make a Conclusion we have shortly listed top performing online based one earning, trust, and reliability.

However, if you need any further information about any online whether it’s listed or no listed to the above list! Feel Free to asked.

We appreciate if you send this article to friend and family over Facebook, Google plus or twitter.

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